Post No7….What is NHS Funded Nursing Care (FNC) and how do I apply for it?

Post No7….What is NHS Funded Nursing Care (FNC) and how do I apply for it?
Photo by Red Dot / Unsplash

Introduction – What is FNC?

Funded Nursing Care (FNC) is an amount of money that can be claimed as a contribution towards a person’s nursing fees when they are in a nursing home. The amount payable changes most years in April, and as of the year 2024 / 2025, FNC funding is currently being paid at £235.88 per week. To claim FNC you must live in a nursing home, it cannot be claimed when living at home or in a residential only home.

FNC is currently paid by the NHS through local Integrated Care Boards (ICBs), it is not means tested but clinically assessed by the social care teams within the ICBs, and does not have to be repaid. FNC is not taxed, and is paid to those who have been assessed as requiring nursing care. FNC can be claimed if a person is self-funding their care privately, or if they are part funded by the local authority.

Did you know? You can claim FNC and Attendance Allowance at the same time.

Is FNC included in a care homes fees?

It’s quite useful to know about FNC when you are considering care placements. When researching prices of different care homes, you may find that the provider includes FNC in the quoted price for nursing care, although it is always worth checking this when discussing care fees with them.

It is worth noting that care homes will charge the full nursing rate to the family whilst the application for FNC is pending, and then refund them the monies once completed, normally in around 12 weeks or so. This will result in a large credit on the account, and then from there the monies are credited monthly.

What happens if care needs change?

If a person is living residentially but within a nursing home, and they develop nursing needs, then the additional cost may be fully covered by the FNC. However, if the nursing home wants to charge more than the FNC total amount, the difference will have to be funded by the resident.

Top Tip - it is always worth checking the nursing home has put in the application for FNC, to save delay on the reimbursement.

Is FNC backdated?

It is important to note that different counties have varying policies when it comes to backdating FNC. In some counties, FNC is backdated to the point the person required nursing care, or moved into a nursing home. However, in Hampshire, FNC needs to be applied for within 28 days of either the admission, or the date nursing needs started, to get the application fully back dated.

How do I apply for FNC?

To apply for FNC, either the social care team at a hospital or the clinical staff at a nursing home complete a set of forms that triggers a Continuing Health Care (CHC) assessment. I will cover CHC in more detail in another post, but in short CHC is full funding via the NHS where FNC is only partial (£219.71 per week). If full funding via CHC is declined, the NHS assessment team may then suggest FNC is awarded to the applicant. Unlike Attendance Allowance, families do not need to apply for FNC themselves, it is done by a third party.


Many families have not heard of FNC and therefore take the quoted nursing price at face value. Those who work in the industry should take the time to inform families about FNC to help them with their budgeting, especially in the early stages of enquiry.

FNC can be applicable to all, regardless of wealth or social status, it is a benefit we all deserve.

The Care Whisperer says 'to help with budgeting, always check the quoted cost includes / does not include FNC'

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